Allmusic Pianos

Piano Sales

Purchasing a Piano is often a matter of personal taste and not so easily acquired. Looks can be deceiving as a used Piano might look good from the outside, but sound poorly and have hidden technical problems. If one purchases a Piano at an unreasonably low price, one should be aware that the costs of repairs might exceed the value of the instrument.

Most people feel insecure not knowing what to look out for when purchasing a used Piano. For example, proper functioning of the mechanism depends on the condition of the each of the approximate 150 parts per single key of which there are 88!

Best practice is to utilise the services of professional people who know the instrument inside out.

At Allmusic, our experienced team will assist you in evaluating a possible purchase you might consider. Our opinion is both honest and professional. Do call 021 981 5551 for an appointment.

A number of used, completely refurbished, pianos can be viewed in our showroom, and are for sale at reasonable prices as shown below:

Otto Bach (Candles)

Made In:
South Africa
Dark Brown
R27 000
Enquire About Piano

Young Chang

Made In:
Gloss Black
Concert Grand - 2m 75cm
R495 000
Enquire About Piano

Brasch & Co.- Booze Cabinet

Booze Cabinet
Made In:
R16 000
Enquire About Piano


Made In:
R15 000
Enquire About Piano

Steck - Rental Piano

Steck - Rental Piano
Made In:
New York
On Request
Enquire About Piano

Fritz Kuhla Piano

Made In:
South Africa
R21 000
Enquire About Piano

IBach Piano

Made In:
South Africa
Dark Brown
R28 000
Enquire About Piano

About Allmusic Pianos

To purchase a Piano is a lifetime investment. People of all ages grow accustomed and attached to the sound, tone colour, touch, look and dynamic possibilities of their Piano. Nothing compares to the enjoyment of making music on one's own instrument at home whenever one feels like it.

The Piano is a highly sophisticated instrument developed during the 18th Century. JS Bach (1685-1750), who used to play harpsichord with its lighter touch, criticised Silbermann's first Piano 'saying that the tone was weak in the treble and the keys were hard to play' (Gottfried Silbermann - Wikipedia). Later he was more impressed as the action was improved.

Brilliant engineers and Piano technicians at the time developed and refined the piano's escape action, soundboard, metal frame and cabinet so that it could maintain good tuning, endure the tension of the strings, and be heard over the orchestra.

At Allmusic we provide friendly support, good advice, and excellent service. These include the sale, tuning, rental, minor repairs and total restoration of Upright and Grand pianos, and transport of pianos.

Piano Tuning

To maintain a Piano in a good condition, it should be tuned at least once, preferably twice per annum. Irregular tuning can cause a Piano to loose concert pitch (A440 Hz) resulting in it having to be tuned twice.

Keep the following in mind to maintain the pitch of your Piano:

  • Constant temperature and humidity will maintain good tone, pitch and efficient functioning. It is therefore important to place your Upright Piano against an inside wall of your home - definitely not in front of a window. Primarily made of wood, any drastic temperature and humidity changes will affect the tuning of a Piano as wood breathes, stretches, and flexes in response.
  • The soundboard is made of spruce of about 9.5 mm thickness and rests on rim braces. It is curved (called the crown) to produce a proper tone and arches towards the strings. With unusual changes in humidity, the soundboard and bridge can be effected causing the strings to either tighten or loosen which influences the pitch.
  • With unusual temperature and humidity fluctuations, the piano's action can be effected which will influence the precision to which the parts have been adjusted (called regulation) to change. When humidity is high, the keys may respond slowly when pressed down, or even become stuck. On the other hand, the keys may rattle or become noisy when the humidity is low and the air is dry. Wooden parts may shrink due to dryness and become loose, leaving the instrument more susceptible to damage.
All these conditions can be prevented if your Piano is regularly tuned and serviced. Please phone Allmusic at 021 981 5551, or email to make an appointment.

Piano Rentals

Various situations can arise for someone to want to rent a Piano. This can range from teaching music, having one's child start with Piano lessons, to giving concerts or hosting a function.

Upright pianos can be rented from Allmusic for any length of time. You can choose from a number of rental pianos on display. Having signed a contract and Bank debit order form, the Rental Piano is then thoroughly checked in our workshop, regulated and tuned before delivery. Rental is R680 per month which includes a free annual tuning. If you decide to purchase the Rental Piano, or any used Piano in our showroom, six months' rental is subtracted from the sale price.
Please phone 021 981 5551 for further enquiries, or visit our store at 36 Jeanette Street, Brackenfell, 7560.

Piano Restoration

Pianos have more than 220 strings. The overall tension of the strings on the frame of an Upright Piano is anything from 16 to 20 tons, and on a Grand Piano between 20 to 30 tons.

There are more than 6 500 moving parts in a Piano, and if all the keys, actions, felt, strings, tuning pins, frame, soundboard, and cabinet are taken into account, about 12 000 parts.

Because a piano is a mechanical instrument made mainly of natural material, almost anything on a piano can be repaired.

Pianos are influenced by temperature fluctuations and inconsistent humidity. Over time the wooden parts may need replacement or repair and the exterior cabinet could lose its elegance and finish. The sound quality can be negatively influence when tuning pins are loose, pin block damaged or strings are broken, all of which can be repaired by our expert technicians.

Felt is used for many parts in the piano's action. It can wear, harden, or be damaged by fish moths or mice. The hammer and damper felt, key bushings, hammer butt cushions, pilot felt, key rail felt, and other felt parts, should regularly be checked and serviced to ensure the livelong use of your Piano.

You can view photos of a G2 Yamaha below for which the soundboard was cleaned, iron frame resprayed, strings and much of the felt renewed, regulation, tuning, almost every aspect received our attention except for the white cabinet which was in good condition.
At Allmusic, thorough inspection foregoes a quote. Hidden problems discovered in the workshop and not mentioned in the quote are discussed with the client before restoration continues. Our team of experienced technicians give attention to all aspects during restoration to the satisfaction of the client, and the Piano is delivered after it has been properly tuned.

Piano Transport

On average, Upright pianos weigh between 140 and 300 kilograms and Grand Pianos can weigh up to 500 kilograms, depending on the size.

Our transport vehicle has been specially adapted to accommodate almost all Piano sizes and our trustworthy team are experienced and well equipped to handle transportation with the utmost care.

Pianos are insured whilst in transport, and we deliver in the same condition as it was picked up.
For a quotation, please phone 021 981 5551, email, or visit our store at 36 Jeanette Street, Brackenfell, 7560.